Leadership of Cosmetics Sector in Animal-Free Science Showcased in Media – Story Reaches >1.5M readers

Posted Date: 2-May-2024

Cosmetics Alliance was recently showcased in the April publication of Global Heroes, a digital and print media outlet that focuses on positive stories and inspirational efforts of people and organizations who are diligently working towards practical solutions to global problems.

The story, titled “Cosmetics Sector Leads World in Eliminating Animal Testing”, is about our industry’s leadership in taking on the challenges of animal-free testing.  The story includes the long road to the legislative ban in Canada, our efforts to turn adversarial relationships into alliances, investment in the development of new animal-free methods and their acceptance by regulators, and our industry becoming an example to other industries who will be facing this same challenge in their sectors.

The digital article lives HERE on the Global Heroes platform. The story reached over 1.5 million readers from print, e-paper, and digital distribution in the Toronto Star, Globe & Mail, National Post, and Global Heroes. It was also amplified on both Global Heroes and Cosmetics Alliance social media channels.

Given our industry’s support for animal-free science, the objective of CA is to promote our industry with the public and consumers, as well as influencers and government, as a leading industry in advancing animal-free science.  With our added efforts in the International Collaboration on Cosmetics Safety (ICCS) to advance the development, regulatory acceptance, and education of animal-free science, and our work with Canada’s Centre for Alternatives to Animal Methods, our industry has the potential to develop it’s reputation as being a leader in this field.